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Warren Blackwood Stock Route

The Warren Blackwood Stock Route (WBSR) is a 360km bridle trail based on the historic stock droving routes of the original farming families of the South West. The WBSR stretches from the coast at Nannup to Bridgetown and onto Broke Inlet near Walpole. 


The trail meanders through some of the most picturesque countryside the Warren Blackwood and Southern Forests region has to offer. Through Karri and Jarrah forests and farmland toward the south and west coasts, the trail provides an opportunity for trail enthusiasts to experience living history by following in the footsteps of the pioneer farming families that opened up the coastal South West.


The trail connects a number of towns and camping destinations of the South West including Nannup, Bridgetown, Manjimup, Quinninup, Shannon Camp Site and Broke Inlet and can be completed in smaller or larger sections.


The bridle trail includes 8 equine friendly campsites dotted along the route, at intervals of between 30km and 45 km, and sections of self-reliant trail to explore toward the coast. The campsites provide access to sleeping shelters, toilets, water tanks or water access and horse yards for trail users.  There are also 3 self-reliant sites along the trail, Kookaburra stop-over, Steve’s Road stopover and Broke Inlet that provide a place to stop where trail users provide for their own needs.

The trail was constructed as a Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils project and funded by the Shires of Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Manjimup and Nannup, the South West Development Commission, Lotterywest and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. 

WBSR Campsites


Rest your horse and yourself

There are 8 campsites and 2 stopover points along the trail:

  • Wheatley Camp near Bridgetown

  • Davies Camp at Willow Springs

  • Dunnet Camp in Nannup

  • Brockman Camp on Krauklas Road

  • Mottram Camp near Manjimup

  • Muir Camp near Manjimup

  • Egerton-Warburton Camp in Quinninup

  • Shannon Camp at Shannon Campground

  • Kookaburra Stopover near South Coast Road

  • Steve's Road Stopover near Deeside Coast Road

Updates and Emergency Information

Be aware and ride safe.

This information is currently being updated and will be published soon.

WBSR Updates
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